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Sep 24, 2019

One of the hardest challenges in marketing is reconciling old and new school methods for media. Formerly, companies focused on getting as many people as possible to click onto their webpage and give them their email. They would then take that information and use it to spam them for the rest of eternity. Today, we are a little more conscious of how to reach the new market of potential clients through less annoying methods. Regardless of the changes in technology and audiences, email is still the “key to the marketing kingdom”.

Many companies are scared when we use the terms “remarketing” or “micromarketing” because the words elicit images of expensive advertising campaigns and complex computer programming, but we offer a much easier and cost-effective solution! Remarketing means being visible to your audience at multiple touchpoints by appearing in advertisements on different media sites. Instead of spamming a person’s inbox, you can use one ad and show it on Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc. so that you increase your visibility without annoying your target customers. Emails are so important to the marketing process because they unlock a new audience with every email you capture. Do not worry, this is not using cookies to catch the personal information of those who click on your website; people use the same email on multiple platforms, so when you learn one email you have unlocked access to all of their contacts on each site.

So, where are you supposed to get all of those valuable emails? Trade shows. If you have ever attended one, then you know at the end of the show you take home a stack of business cards. These are now your magical keys to the kingdom! Every card represents a conversation with a recruiter or customer, and you can plug their email into your list. Now, you have a collection of successful conversations that turned into an exchange of business cards that can become new customers. Here is a fun equation: let’s say you meet 100 people at a trade show, or you pay to get the attendance list of the 100-200 people who were at the trade. That is around 100 keys, and we are going to estimate that each person uses that same email on three social media websites. Even if every person only has one connection on each of those websites, you are looking at 400 people that you can campaign to.

Our company offers a service if you are still wary about the process of micromarketing or want help getting started! For $100 a month, or roughly $1 per lead, we can make sure that your target audience will see your ads. Interested? Want to know more? Contact our brand manager Ally Cole at to learn what her team can do for you.

Quote 1: Regardless of the changes in technology and audiences, email is still the “key to the marketing kingdom”.

Quote 2: Emails are so important to the marketing process because they unlock a new audience with every email you capture.